News — baton twirling coach

Unleash Your Potential: Why Starting a Baton Twirling Teaching Business Is the Dream Worth Pursuing

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

Some reasons to begin your baton twirling business today.

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The Benefit of One Time Classes

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

Baton twirling is a captivating art form that combines dance, gymnastics, and prop manipulation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced twirler, investing in your skills is always worthwhile. While long-term training programs offer comprehensive development, there's another option to consider: a one-time class focused on specific skills, such as rolls, tosses, dance technique. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of participating in a single-session class and how it can contribute to your growth as a baton twirler. Access to Expertise: One-time baton twirling classes are often led by seasoned instructors who possess extensive knowledge and experience in...

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Ballet's Vital Role in Baton Twirling

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

Baton twirling and ballet may appear to be distinct disciplines, but beneath the surface, there exists a profound symbiotic relationship between the two. While baton twirling captivates audiences with its dazzling spins and intricate tosses, ballet serves as a foundational art form that enhances the skill set of baton twirlers. In this blog post, we will explore why ballet holds a vital place in the world of baton twirling, highlighting the numerous benefits it offers to twirlers and how it contributes to their overall artistry and technical prowess. Graceful Movement and Posture: Ballet is renowned for its emphasis on poise,...

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New Online Class Announcement - Ballet Fundamentals for Baton Twirlers, Coaches & Judges.

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

Learn the story behind our newest class - Ballet Fundamentals for the Baton Twirler, Coach & Judge.

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Merging Websites with Kraskin Baton

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

Why we are combining the websites of Kraskin Baton & Baton Twirling Unlimited.

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