Keeping Kids Engaged In Your Baton Classes

Posted by Jacinda Miller on

As we have been working with teachers, coaches and studio directors, we keep havingthe same discussion about how do we keep kids engaged in our classes?

First, we hope that you know we are all struggling with the same challenges. Now, here's a few ideas to help you face those challenges. 

1. Make sure you incorporating a lot of "fun" activities! We always want classes to be fun for kids but it is especially important to create a lesson plan that involves activities that keep them laughing and learning! We've shared a "BatonLand" (like Candyland) game, BINGO,  Scavenger Hunt and many other resources on our social media so check those out if you need a few ideas! 

2. Give a reward for practicing at  home! Download our practice guide and give your kids a sucker or sticker for  returning their practice sheet.  

3. Keep  your class consistent! Greet your students with a smile and energy. Have your class keep the same schedule week after week so that your students know what to expect. Your class can be one of the consistent and positive things that your students may have in their  lives  right now.

4. If you are tech savvy and your students are a little bit older, add an online component such as a google classroom. You can supplement with fun videos to watch of twirling superstars, activities to do during the week and videos of you teaching new combinations.

5.  Perform! Many students, by nature, love to perform! Perform in an outdoor courtyard or parking lot of an assisted living center. You'll brighten the residents' day, do something great for your community and your students get to shine! (Thanks to one of our great teachers for this amazing idea!) 

We hope this helps you and if you are looking for more ideas, join our Coaches Conference on July 24! We have sessions focused on bringing you more students and more revenue even in these challenging times!